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Featured image for “A Recap of the CheckProof Industry Event & 10th Anniversary Celebration”
Industry Event

A Recap of the CheckProof Industry Event & 10th Anniversary Celebration

CheckProof recently hosted its inaugural industry event, marking a significant milestone in the company’s journey. CheckProof’s industry event, which coincided with our ten-year anniversary celebration, was formed with the intention of gathering industry leaders within the construction materials and heavy industries. Together we discussed common challenges, shared success stories along with informative content on trends that the industry needs to be aware of.
Featured image for “Trend Report: Key moments in the Construction Materials industry (2014–2024)”

Trend Report: Key moments in the Construction Materials industry (2014–2024)

To celebrate a decade of innovation since CheckProof’s inception in 2014, this report highlights significant milestones across the construction materials industry over the last ten years. From 2014’s economic optimism boosting infrastructure demand, to more widespread adoption of AI and machine learning in 2024. Each year showcases industry advancements that pushed the boundaries in innovation, digitalization, and sustainability.
Featured image for “Meet Marcus Edlund, CheckProof’s First Employee and Tech Trailblazer”

Meet Marcus Edlund, CheckProof’s First Employee and Tech Trailblazer

As we celebrate a decade of innovation, we’re excited to sit down with CheckProof’s first employee, Marcus Edlund, who joined CheckProof in 2016. In this interview, we share his journey, insights, and impact on CheckProof’s growth.
Featured image for “SBMI’s Climate Roadmap for a Fossil-Free Aggregate Industry by 2045”
Environment & Sustainability

SBMI’s Climate Roadmap for a Fossil-Free Aggregate Industry by 2045

On September 11th, 2024, The Swedish Industry Association for the Aggregate sector, SBMI (Sveriges Bergmaterialindustri) launched its updated Climate Roadmap. The first roadmap was launched in 2019, before the European Green deal, the cement crisis and the pandemic. The roadmap is updated to take account of the shift in our industry in the past five years and is now a comprehensive plan designed to guide the aggregate industry toward achieving fossil-free operations by 2045.
Featured image for “The Hillhead Report”
Industry Event

The Hillhead Report

A bigger and better show than ever before. Hillhead 2024 was the most visited edition ever in terms of the volume of visits over the three days, with visitors spending more time at the show than ever before and a record number attending for more than one day. In total there were 26,626 visits over the three days, which was 8% higher than 2022. The show had many highlights and below we summarize the key takeaways.  
Featured image for “Hållbar bergmaterialindustri: utmaningar och lösningar för en bransch i förändring ”
Environment & Sustainability

Hållbar bergmaterialindustri: utmaningar och lösningar för en bransch i förändring 

Klimatomställning, elektrifiering och den tekniska utvecklingen är prioriterade frågor inom bergmaterialindustrin just nu. Vilka är de främsta hindren för att göra branschen mer hållbar idag, och vad behöver göras för att nå klimatmålen framåt? Trots delvis mörka prognoser finns en märkbar optimism från både branschaktörer och experter inom hållbarhetsteknologi.
Featured image for “Highlights and insights from the Bauma trade fair”
Industry Event

Highlights and insights from the Bauma trade fair

What were the hottest topics at the 2022 Bauma trade fair in Munich, Germany? What was a miniature wheel loader doing in the tech section? And did it all end with a big bang – or was it more of a beep? Get ready for a glimpse behind the scenes of this massive industry happening.

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