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Featured image for “Maximize Efficiency with an OEE Monitoring System”
Integrations & Telematics

Maximize Efficiency with an OEE Monitoring System

You’ve probably heard of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)—maybe your company even uses it as a key performance indicator. But do you fully understand what it is or why it’s so important for your organization?
Featured image for “Plant Asset Management Software:Maximizing Equipment Uptime”
Integrations & Telematics
Preventive Maintenance

Plant Asset Management Software:Maximizing Equipment Uptime

Keeping assets in top shape and extending their lifespan is a key priority for maintenance managers—right after preventing equipment failure and downtime! In the construction materials industry, where heavy equipment and infrastructure are essential, keeping assets in peak condition is crucial for maintaining efficiency and reliability.
Featured image for “Machine Downtime Tracking: The key to smarter, more efficient operations”
Integrations & Telematics
Preventive Maintenance

Machine Downtime Tracking: The key to smarter, more efficient operations

Gain control over equipment performance, minimize downtime and costly disruptions with data-backed maintenance decisions.
Featured image for “Predictive maintenance using IoT ”
Integrations & Telematics
Preventive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance using IoT 

Tired of guesstimating when you need to perform maintenance for your assets? The Internet of Things, or IoT, connects non-traditional computing devices to the internet and transfers their data over a network without human interaction. This data can be used to create optimal predictive maintenance routines for any piece of equipment in your facility.
Featured image for “Heavy Equipment Maintenance ”
Integrations & Telematics
Preventive Maintenance

Heavy Equipment Maintenance 

Consistent and clear maintenance processes are important for most of your assets, however, for heavy equipment it becomes critical. Not only does a systematic maintenance strategy help ensure longevity and optimal performance in heavy equipment, but it also minimizes the risk of accidents and breakdowns. This post covers the distinct characteristics of heavy equipment maintenance and how it can reduce costs and increase availability and productivity when done right.
Featured image for “What is Preventive Maintenance?”
Integrations & Telematics
Preventive Maintenance

What is Preventive Maintenance?

Preventive maintenance is a method of proactive maintenance management that relies on doing things ahead of time, before it becomes a problem.
Featured image for “Så får du koll på er bränsleförbrukning och tomgångskörning med realtidsdata”
Environment & Sustainability
Integrations & Telematics

Så får du koll på er bränsleförbrukning och tomgångskörning med realtidsdata

I takt med att bensin- och dieselpriser når nya rekordnivåer utgör bränslekostnaderna en snabbt växande andel av de totala driftskostnaderna för företag i bränslekrävande industrier. Se till att ni har rätt verktyg för att samla in och använda realtidsdata från er maskinpark.

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