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Featured image for “Pre-task risk assessment: 3 common mistakes (and how to avoid them)”
Preventive Maintenance

Pre-task risk assessment: 3 common mistakes (and how to avoid them)

The proverb ‘if you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail’, rings especially true when it comes to to the process of Pre-Task Risk Assessment (PTRA). Failure to examine your work environment or equipment before performing a potentially hazardous task can leave you exposed to several things going wrong. In certain industries, the outcome of a missed risk analysis, before undertaking any major work could be grave.
Featured image for “SOP compliance: How to get your frontline teams on board”

SOP compliance: How to get your frontline teams on board

Setting up SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for crucial tasks is an effective way to ensure safe and consistent work methods across your heavy industry sites. At least if your SOPs are available, relevant, and easy to use for frontline workers – which is, unfortunately, not always the case. This article offers you eight best practices that will help improve SOP compliance by adapting your instructions to suit the people who depend most on them. 
Featured image for “Lack of documentation = lack of HSE compliance. Here’s how to fix it.”
Environment & Sustainability
Health & Safety

Lack of documentation = lack of HSE compliance. Here’s how to fix it.

To keep your frontline workers safe – and prove HSE compliance to external auditors – you need quick access to all required documentation for hazardous tasks. Find out how switching to digital processes will help you save time and improve traceability across your heavy industry sites.
Featured image for “Downtime reduction: 6 ways to optimize your heavy industry operations”
Preventive Maintenance

Downtime reduction: 6 ways to optimize your heavy industry operations

To run a profitable business, you need to optimize the use of critical resources such as equipment, energy, and manpower. One of the most important elements of resource optimization in heavy industries is downtime reduction. The key to success? Proactivity. 
Featured image for “Resource Optimization”
Preventive Maintenance

Resource Optimization

By optimizing the utilization of your resources, your business can increase your operational efficiency, reduce your carbon footprint, and cut costs. This comprehensive article covers various aspects of resource optimization, primarily in a heavy industry context. You’ll learn about everything from the definition of common terms to the benefits of implementing digital technology in your frontline teams.  Table of contents: 
Featured image for “Skills shortage in heavy industries: how technology can help”

Skills shortage in heavy industries: how technology can help

If your business relies on skilled and experienced frontline workers, you’re probably struggling with the same challenges as many of your industry peers: How can you replace the generation of workers now reaching retirement age? And how do you ensure you don’t lose the valuable knowledge they’ve gathered through the years?
Featured image for “How to bridge the communication gap between frontline and office”

How to bridge the communication gap between frontline and office

Where there’s a lack of communication between frontline workers and management in a heavy industry company, there’s also a lack of cooperation and mutual understanding. By successfully bridging this gap, your business won’t only improve workplace safety and employee engagement. You’ll also save vast amounts of money.
Featured image for “Hållbar bergmaterialindustri: utmaningar och lösningar för en bransch i förändring ”
Environment & Sustainability

Hållbar bergmaterialindustri: utmaningar och lösningar för en bransch i förändring 

Klimatomställning, elektrifiering och den tekniska utvecklingen är prioriterade frågor inom bergmaterialindustrin just nu. Vilka är de främsta hindren för att göra branschen mer hållbar idag, och vad behöver göras för att nå klimatmålen framåt? Trots delvis mörka prognoser finns en märkbar optimism från både branschaktörer och experter inom hållbarhetsteknologi.
Featured image for “Unannounced inspections? With these 6 steps, your plant is always ready ”

Unannounced inspections? With these 6 steps, your plant is always ready 

All of a sudden, a government inspector walks into your plant. Before you could blink, they already noticed that one of your processing equipment is missing its guard. The next minute, you’re served a hefty fine, and your plant is ordered to shut down until it’s fixed. To prevent this from happening again: what steps can you take to ensure your plant is always ready for an inspection?
Featured image for “Health, safety, environment, and quality (HSEQ)”
Environment & Sustainability
Health & Safety

Health, safety, environment, and quality (HSEQ)

Without exaggeration, health and safety in the workplace is a matter of life and death. ILO (International Labour Organization) estimates the yearly number of work-related deaths globally to be nearly 2 million. Creating and maintaining a solid HSEQ framework is crucial for protecting your employees – but also your business – from harm. This comprehensive article will walk you through the key areas of HSEQ and what you need to set up a successful strategy.

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