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Rencontrez nos clients
La clientèle de CheckProof représente plusieurs segments de l'industrie des matériaux de construction, notamment l'asphalte, le ciment, les granulats, le béton et les OEM. Tous nos clients sont confrontés à des défis uniques, mais ils partagent le même désir d'améliorer les opérations quotidiennes tout en assurant la sécurité de leurs sites et de leur personnel.
CheckProof les aide à atteindre cet objectif au quotidien.

CheckProof speaks to Brett Burrows from Banner Contracts on securing processes and ISO Compliance with CheckProof.

How Gina Becker at Cemex Germany, and her colleagues increased daily production by 75%, reduced fuel costs, and streamlined operations with CheckProof’s platform.
Customer Videos

"When you factor in time, we save the better part of a week. Each month." Learn how Atlantic Pumps, a leading supplier in the industrial pump industry, has streamlined operations and saved both time and money using CheckProof.

CEMEX UK was looking to bring its sites into the 21st century. "We chose CheckProof because it was easy to use from an operator perspective."

In this video CheckProof visits Hanlon Loader Hire in England to talk about how they use the software to track their vehicle fleet on the various construction projects that they are involved with.

Learn how Maskin Mekano - Swedish producer of mobile screening plants and mobile crushing plants - uses CheckProof for quality controls and to improve customer service.
Faites des économies et augmentez la production avec CheckProof
Voyez comment l'intégration de CheckProof dans vos activités peut vous permettre de réaliser des économies, de gagner en efficacité et vous apporter des avantages financiers.

The railway company Strukton Rail uses CheckProof for basically everything where checklists are needed.

Grönlunds Plåt in Skara, Sweden are experts in sheet metal processing. In their digitalization journey, CheckProof is an important tool in which they report everything from deviations, repair cases to incidents.

The Funäsdalen ski resort uses CheckProof in its operations for checking and preventing maintenance on ski lifts.

See how the swedish company Ravema, with its Ravema Smart Maintenance concept, uses CheckProof to help its customers reach their full potential of their investments.

Blidösundsbolaget, a Swedish shipping company based in Stockholm are using CheckProof on their 18 ferries for quality & safety inspections and maintenance work.
Customer Articles

CheckProof speaks to Brett Burrows from Banner Contracts on securing processes and ISO Compliance with CheckProof.

How Gina Becker at Cemex Germany, and her colleagues increased daily production by 75%, reduced fuel costs, and streamlined operations with CheckProof’s platform.

Data-driven optimization through digital tools has helped Swerock – a major Swedish construction material supplier – reduce their maintenance costs per produced metric ton by a third.

Introducing “yet another system” is rarely popular. But CheckProof’s app was welcomed with open arms by staff who had grown tired of spending more time in their previous inspection tool than examining the actual site that was to be checked.

Leading aggregate producer Jehander, part of the international HeidelbergCement Group, never settles for less than great. Their 11 different quarries need to work seamlessly together and the old pen and paper method for quality controls wasn’t cutting it anymore. That’s why they turned to CheckProof.

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